About Us

Maple Sugar Mountain is a family owned and operated business located in Belvidere, Vermont. Our business is built on the values and work ethic of generations of home-grown Vermonters, producing 100% pure Vermont Organic/Kosher Maple Syrup.
Our family maintains the woods, taps the trees, gathers the sap and boils it into delicious maple syrup. Our organic maple syrup comes directly from our maple sugar farm to you.
We grew up in the area and all of us reside in nearby Waterville. Memories of our early years with our wood-fired evaporator, horse-drawn gathering sap tank and many buckets have not been forgotten. Though maintaining the sugar woods and the sugaring process still remains a great deal of work, we are pleased with the modern technology that allows our business to produce top quality maple syrup.
Every day we drive through the Waterville Village covered bridge, another one of Vermont’s picturesque attractions, to commute to our business.
Our most loyal fans include our children, who are involved in our business and our grandchildren who are great taste testers!